Lighter Later

We finally replaced the last lingering boarded-up window of the building. It’s been on the list since the beginning, but we were a victim of supply-chain delays, and my own six-year prioritizing. But it’s in now and the light coming up the stairwell in the mornings still catches me by surprise. Now that it’s done, I’ll get back to tiling that wall it shows off…

This season was crazy busy! My very prolific class session ended before December, but December was mostly taken up with kiln loading and shop customers. As always, we thank you so much for your continuing support of small business during the holiday season!

This last week I’ve been working on getting the studio ready for the next session. As COVID is on the rise again, I’m going back to clearing out as much space as possible and putting back the extra sanitizing measures.

Let’s collectively cross our fingers and hope that all goes well. Also, please get vaccinated.